Our Services

At Lujo Aesthetics, no two facials are ever the same! Our skin has different needs in different seasons and requires adaptive care. That is why we provide personalized consultations every time you visit and customize your treatments and recommended at-home protocols, ensuring your unique concerns are met with precision and care. Whether you are struggling with acne, hyperpigmentation, scarring, want to reduce facial hair, or minimize pore size, fine lines and wrinkles, we have the right custom solution for every skin type, including sensitive skin.

Facials & Treatments

  • Skin Consultation FREE

    Not sure what type of treatment to choose? Schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation and get our expert advice.

  • Euro Facial $139

    Includes chemical or physical exfoliant to gently remove dead skin cells, unclogs pores, and promote a smoother and more radiant complexion. Our traditional European facial massage is also included in this service.

  • Clarifying Facial $149

    Includes either a chemical or physical exfoliant to gently slough away dead skin cells and reveal a radiant complexion. Extraction are made using ultrasonic device technology or a specialized extractor. Followed by blue LED light therapy, and a soothing hydro jelly mask and cold globe therapy to calm inflammation.

  • Microdermabrasion Facial $160

    This facial gently exfoliates the outermost layer of your skin, effectively buffing away dead skin cells, revealing a fresher and more vibrant appearance. It combines the power of microdermabrasion, ultrasonic exfoliation, product for extractions and penetration, and a soothing jelly mask.

  • Dermaplaning Facial $169

    During your Dermaplaning Facial, the use of a gentle scraping technique to remove dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz) from the surface of your face will be used. This process not only provides an instant brightening effect but also allows for better product penetration, ensuring maximum results from other skincare treatments.

  • Nanoneedling Facial $199

    This facial utilizes a nano-needling device that gently creates thousands of microscopic channels in the surface of your skin. This process stimulates the natural healing response of your skin, promoting the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin.

  • Microneedling Treatment $215

    Micro-needling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally-invasive treatment that promotes the production of collagen, a key protein responsible for maintaining the skin’s elasticity and firmness. This leads to a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars, resulting in a smoother and more youthful skin.

  • Clarifying Chem Peel $179

    Our Salicylic Acid Chemical Peel works to reduce the appearance of acne scars and hyperpigmentation. The benefits of this peel extend beyond acne treatment. Salicylic acid also helps to refine the skin’s texture, minimizing the appearance of pores and fine lines.

  • Rejuvenating Chem Peel $179

    This powerful and effective lactic acid peel is a gentle yet effective exfoliant that helps to remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and fade away blemishes, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. Lactic Acid also stimulates collagen production, which leads to improved skin elasticity and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Perfection Chem Peel (Jessner) $200

    This chemical peel combines the perfect blend of gentle acids to address a range of skin concerns while minimizing downtime. The Modified Jessner’s Peel is designed to improve the overall texture and tone of your skin. It exfoliates the outer layer, revealing a smoother, more radiant appearance. This treatment is particularly effective in reducing the appearance of age spots, sun damage, and fine lines.

  • BioRePeelCl3 Blue $249

    BioRePeelCl3 Blue improves the skin surface, imperfections, and accelerates cell turnover. Stimulating the reconstruction of collagen and elastin deep within the skin layer, results can be seen instantly and continue to improve over the following weeks. Zero to minimal skin shedding and downtime. Can be combined with other spa treatments. Best results are achieved in 4-6 sessions.

Facial Enhancements

  • Jelly Mask $24

    A Hydro Jelly Mask is a unique treatment add-on that combines the power of natural ingredients and advanced technology to nourish, hydrate, and revitalize your skin. A mask will be curated specifically for you, selecting ingredients that address your specific skincare concerns such as hydration, brightening, firming, or soothing.

  • Cold Globe Cryo Therapy $25

    Cold Globe Cryotherapy involves the use of specialized cooling globes to revitalize and invigorate your skin, providing a myriad of rejuvenating benefits, including reduced reducing inflammation, puffiness, and redness. It can help to soothe irritated skin and provide relief from conditions such as eczema, rosacea and inflammation caused by acne.

  • High Frequency $39

    This high-frequency add-on effectively targets acne-causing bacteria, reduces breakouts and promotes a clearer complexion. It also stimulates circulation, improving nutrient delivery to the skin cells and aiding in oxygenation, resulting in a revitalized and refreshed look.

  • LED Red/Blue Light $39

    LED therapy is highly effective in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting collagen production, and improving overall skin texture. It also helps to reduce redness, inflammation, and irritation, making it an excellent treatment option for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin.

  • Microcurrent $39

    Microcurrent therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level electrical currents to stimulate and tone the facial muscles, resulting in a lifted, firmer, and more youthful appearance. By targeting specific areas of the face, it helps to tighten and tone sagging skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • European Facial Massage $49

    European Facial Massage involves a series of gentle and rhythmic massage techniques applied to the face, neck, and décolleté using varying pressures and movements, such as effleurage (light, gliding strokes), petrissage (kneading), and tapping, to stimulate the facial muscles and encourage lymphatic drainage.

  • Dermaplaning $65

    Dermaplaning is a non-invasive, painless procedure that exfoliates the skin. This treatment is perfect for removing the build-up of surface debris and enhancing the absorption of skincare products. The delicate layer of hair and dead skin cells is expertly removed, unveiling your skin's natural beauty. With the removal of unwanted vellus hair, your skin will feel incredibly soft and smooth to the touch. Dermaplaning is suitable for all skin types and is particularly beneficial for those with dull, congested, or uneven skin tone.

  • Microdermabrasion $65

    This non-invasive procedure uses gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin cells, revealing a radiant and youthful complexion underneath. During the session, a specialized tool will be used to gently polish your skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and blemishes. Microdermabrasion is a quick and painless treatment with minimal downtime, making it perfect for those with busy schedules. promoting a long-lasting improvement in skin tone and texture.

  • Microneedling Neck & Chest $75

    This micro-needling add-on specifically targets the neck and chest area. This treatment stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, two essential proteins responsible for maintaining skin's elasticity, firmness, and smoothness. 

  • Nano-Needling $95

    Nano-Needling stimulates collagen production, promoting firmness and elasticity for a more youthful and radiant complexion. It helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and enlarged pores, leaving your skin smooth and refined. Nano-Needling also aids in improving skin texture and tone by targeting hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, and uneven skin.

Other Services

  • Facial Waxing (per area) $25

    We provide meticulous hair removal from the upper lip, eyebrows, chin and other facial areas using high-quality waxing products. The benefits of facial waxing are numerous. Firstly, it offers precise and long-lasting results, ensuring smooth and hair-free skin for weeks. Unlike other temporary methods like shaving or threading, waxing removes hair from the root, slowing down regrowth and preventing stubble.

  • Brow Tinting $20

    This brow tinting service uses custom-blended shade to give you the perfect color match. One of the key benefits of eyebrow tinting is that it adds depth and dimension to your eyebrows. By coloring the brow hairs, we create a fuller and more defined shape, making your eyebrows appear thicker and more prominent. This is especially beneficial for individuals with sparse or light-colored brows, as it helps to create a more balanced and symmetrical facial appearance.

  • Brow Lamination $119

    Eyebrow lamination helps to create a fuller and more defined look with long-lasting results. By straightening and setting the brow hairs in an upright position, we can achieve a brushed-up effect that gives the appearance of thicker, more voluminous brows. This is especially beneficial for individuals with unruly or sparse brows, as it adds structure and symmetry to the face. Unlike traditional eyebrow grooming methods, such as waxing or threading, lamination keeps the brows in place for an extended period. The effects can last up to six weeks, meaning you can enjoy perfectly shaped brows without the need for daily maintenance.

  • Brow Wax, Tint & Laminate $159

    The combination of eyebrow lamination, tint, and wax offers long-lasting results and reduces daily maintenance. The effects can last up to six weeks, allowing you to enjoy beautifully groomed brows without worrying about frequent touch-ups. This makes it an ideal solution for individuals with busy lifestyles or those who desire a hassle-free beauty routine. Our eyebrow lamination service, combined with eyebrow tint and wax, offers a comprehensive solution for achieving perfectly shaped, fuller and more voluminous brows.

  • Custom Makeup Session $Varies

    Whether you're gearing up for a momentous occasion, a dazzling photoshoot, or simply aiming to slay your social media game, we're here to make you shine! Our makeup sessions are your key to looking and feeling absolutely fabulous.

    Call us at 651-447-8613 or e-mail us at info@lujoaesthetics.com for your personalized estimate.

Click Here for detailed descriptions of all our services.